Our range of products and services are adapted from a core set of principles whether the learner is a young child, a first time employee, a school or a school leader.

Our team has considerable experience in the field of national and international curricula review, design and reform. We can develop and offer customised courses according to the needs of the learners. Courses developed include: learner competencies, systems-thinking, scenario planning, problem-solving, critical thinking, employability skills, enterprise, sustainable development, language development and coaching approaches. We also offer courses for aspiring and middle leaders.
Shaping Learning has extensive experience working with schools in all aspects of school leadership, school improvement and start-up. Our experience working with international schools that offer a range of programmes and qualifications, enables us to work with organisations who wish to continue to be at the forefront on learning design & leaders in international education. Shaping Learning has been working on school start up projects in the UK, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Shaping Learning designs and develops new education programmes and tools for learning. This includes learning with new pedagogies and practices for accreditation and evaluation. Our work includes the design of an innovative global social investment programme for Shell www.nxplorers.com and a new innovation SE21 for eimventures.com.
Shaping Learning offers qualified coaching services. Our coaches work with all levels of leaders across organisations to build a culture of coaching to complement aspects of mentoring. We want to help our clients remain strong contenders in the business of learning by building confident, sustainable and empowered teams.